
how to design angular app

First AngularJS Application

Let's create a simple AngularJS web application step by step and understand the basic building blocks of AngularJS.

1. First, create an HTML document with <head> and <body> elements, as show below.

                          <!              DOCTYPE              html              >              <              html              >              <              head              >              </              head              >              <              body              >              </              body              >              </              html              >                      

2. Include angular.js file in the head section (you have learned how to download angular library in the previous section). You can take a reference from the CDN also. (all the examples in this tutorials will use CDN reference.)

                          <!              DOCTYPE              html              >              <              html              >              <              head              >              <              title              >First AngularJS Application</              title              >              <              script              src=              "~/Scripts/angular.js"              ></              script              >              </              head              >              <              body              >              </              body              >              </              html              >                      

3. Here, we will be creating a simple multiplier application which will multiply two numbers and display the result. User will enter two numbers in two separate textboxes and the result will be displayed immediately, as shown below.

First AngularJS Application

The following is the HTML code with AngularJS for the above multiplier example.

                          <!              DOCTYPE              html              >              <              html              >              <              head              >              <              title              >First AngularJS Application</              title              >              <              script              src=              "~/Scripts/angular.js"              ></              script              >              </              head              >              <              body                              ng-app                            >              <              h1              >First AngularJS Application</              h1              >              Enter Numbers to Multiply:              <              input              type              ="text"                              ng-model="Num1"                            />              x              <              input              type              ="text"                              ng-model="Num2"                            />              =              <              span              >              {{Num1 * Num2}}</span              >              </              body              >              </              html              >                      

The above example is looks like HTML code with some strange attributes and braces such as ng-app, ng-model, and {{ }}. These built-in attributes in AngularJS are called directives.

The following figure illustrates the AngularJS building blocks in the above example.

First AngularJS Application


In AngularJS, a template is HTML with additional markups. AngularJS compiles templates and renders the resultant HTML.


Directives are markers (attributes) on a DOM element that tell AngularJS to attach a specific behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children.

Most of the directives in AngularJS are starting with ng. It stands for Angular. We have applied ng-app and ng-model directive in the above example.

ng-app: The ng-app directive is a starting point. If AngularJS framework finds ng-app directive anywhere in the HTML document then it bootstraps (initializes) itself and compiles the HTML template.

ng-model: The ng-model directive binds HTML element to a property on the $scope object. You will learn about this model later but for now let us consider this as a model property.

In the above example, we have included ng-model directive to both the textboxes with different names Num1 and Num2. AngularJS framework will create two properties called Num1 and Num2 in the scope and will assign a value that we type into textboxes.


An expression is like JavaScript code which is usually wrapped inside double curly braces such as {{ expression }}. AngularJS framework evaluates the expression and produces a result. In the above example, {{ Num1 * Num2}} will simply display the product of Num1 and Num2.

The following table lists all the important concepts in AngularJS.

Concept Description
Template HTML with additional markup
Directives Extends the HTML with custom attributes and elements
Model The data shown to the user in the view and with which the user interacts
Scope A context where the model is stored so that controllers, directives and expressions can access it
Expressions Executes JavaScript code inside brackets {{ }}.
Compiler Parses the template and instantiates directives and expressions
Filter Formats the value of an expression for display to the user
View what the user sees (the DOM)
Data Binding Sync data between the model and the view
Controller Maintains the application data and business logic
Module a container for different parts of an app including controllers, services, filters, directives which configure the Injector
Service Reusable business logic, independent of views
Dependency Injection Creates and wires objects and functions
Injector Dependency injection container

Learn about the ng-app directive in the next section.

Want to check how much you know AngularJS 1?

how to design angular app


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