
What Do You Think Hardin's Purpose Was For Writing To Eleanor Roosevelt

Why might the authors have mentioned being out of work and hungry in their letter to the

editor of the magazine?


Why do the authors repeatedly refer to themselves as "workers" and "boys"?

To relate to Communist readers

Why would a Communist magazine like Negro Worker be willing to print their appeal and

support their case?

To show solidarity w/ working class

What aspect of this case was indicative of the historical context of the 1930s?

Racial discrimination

How did the Alabama mob and prison officials help keep tight control over the Scottsboro



What is the significance of Mildred Isbell's age in her letter to Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt?

She is forced to be mature beyond her years

Why does Mildred emphasize to Mrs. Roosevelt that they are not "on the relief"?


How is Isbell indicative of many Americans during the Great Depression?

Desperation pushed her to seek assistance for the first time

What is Minni Hardin's primary complaint to Eleanor Roosevelt?

Lazy relief recipients

What was Hardin's motivation in writing to Roosevelt?

To reveal the real effects of the New Deal

What message does President Roosevelt convey in this cartoon?

Old judges have been serving too long

The artist drew President Roosevelt as youthful and strong and the judge as old and frail for

which of the following reasons?

To argue that Roosevelt was trying to take too much power

What do you think the artist meant by the text, "A Free and Independent Judiciary"?

President Roosevelt was attempting to restrict the "free" aspect of the Supreme


Which of the following ideas relating to the 1930s is reflected in the political cartoon?

President Roosevelt exerted an unprecedented amount of power

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was supposed to revitalize the economy by

providing an infusion of federal funds to

The banking and railroad industries

The 1932 decision by Hoover and Congress to raise income, estate, and corporate

taxes on the wealthy to control the federal deficit resulted in

The loss of millions of additional jobs

The Scottsboro Nine were threatened with lynching because they were accused of

Raping white women

The fact that the proportion of women in the workforce grew during the 1930s is

evidence that

More workers were fired from male-dominated industries

Communists influenced the public response to the Depression by

Organizing protest actions and supporting the labor movement

Roosevelt's fireside chats reflected his desire to

Show Americans that he was working on their behalf

What Do You Think Hardin's Purpose Was For Writing To Eleanor Roosevelt


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